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Islamic quotes
The tongue is like a lion. If you let it loose, it will wound someone.
The tongue is like a lion. If you let it loose, it will wound someone.
The tongue is like a lion. If you let it loose, it will wound someone.
The tongue is like a lion. If you let it loose, it will wound someone.
The tongue is like a lion. If you let it loose, it will wound someone.
The tongue is like a lion. If you let it loose, it will wound someone.
The tongue is like a lion. If you let it loose, it will wound someone.
The tongue is like a lion. If you let it loose, it will wound someone.
The tongue is like a lion. If you let it loose, it will wound someone.
The tongue is like a lion. If you let it loose, it will wound someone.
The tongue is like a lion. If you let it loose, it will wound someone.
The tongue is like a lion. If you let it loose, it will wound someone.
The tongue is like a lion. If you let it loose, it will wound someone.
The tongue is like a lion. If you let it loose, it will wound someone.
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More Islamic quotes
The most beloved of people according to Allah is he who brings most benefit to people, and the most beloved of deeds according to Allah the Mighty, the Magnificent, is that you bring happiness to a fellow Muslim, or relieve him of distress, or pay off his debt or stave away hunger from him. It is more beloved to me that I walk with my brother Muslim in his time of need than I stay secluded in the mosque for a month.
Do not let your difficulties fill you with anxiety, after all, it is only in the darkest nights that stars shine more brightly.
Truly in the heart there is a void that cannot be removed except with the company of Allah. And in it there is a sadness that cannot be removed except with the happiness of knowing Allah and being true to Him. And in it there is an emptiness that cannot be filled except with love for Him and by turning to Him and always remembering Him. And if a person were given all of the world and what is in it, it would not fill this emptiness.
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